
The Unrivaled Wealth Newsletter

I share the strategies I use to help high-net-worth clients create, grow, and protect wealth. Every Wednesday, you'll learn new ways to align your wealth with a life of time, freedom, and flexibility.

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How to Prevent One of the Biggest Retirement Risks

Hey Reader, 77% of high-net-worth individuals say they know how much money they need to retire comfortably. However, humans naturally suffer from overconfidence bias (myself included—just ask my fiancée), and I believe they overlook one key risk. Retirement Healthcare According to Fidelity, a 65-year-old couple retiring in 2024 should expect to pay $12,800 for health care in the first year of retirement and ~$356,000 for the remainder of an average life expectancy (87 for men and 90 for...

Hey Reader, At my last job, I had the privilege of working with some of the brightest minds in investing. We had weekly investment calls dissecting economic data, geopolitical risks, and plenty of other things I didn't understand at the time. However, the Chief Investment Officer (who is the smartest person I've met to this day) always made sure to zoom out and stress one point that nearly everyone forgets. I'll illustrate the point by looking back at one of the most difficult periods in the...

Hey Reader, Whether you call it retirement, work optional, financial independence or some other term, you should be excited to have the freedom to do: What you want When you want Where you want But withdrawing from the savings you worked so hard to accumulate can be one of the scariest transitions you make. Today, I’ll share the strategy I use to help clients enjoy their retirement without worrying about running out of money. Retirement Income Guardrails Think of guardrails like bumpers at a...

Hey Reader, From the time I could comprehend them, taxes have always fascinated me. Tax planning was my favorite college course and it continues to be my favorite planning area after nearly 8 years in the industry. This may come as a shock, but the secret to paying less taxes is to plan for them. As a financial advisor, I don’t file my clients' tax returns. So, I’m always asked, “If you don’t file taxes, what value can you add?” I’ll answer that question today by sharing 10 ways I help...

Hey Reader, When I started training Jiu-Jitsu, I had no idea what I was doing. So, I started watching instructionals with flashy submissions, but I didn't get any better. Why? Because I made the same mistake we’re all guilty of at some point in our lives. I tried to skip the fundamentals. In Jiu-Jitsu terms, you need to know how to get out from under a person who’s trying to control you before you can put them in an anaconda choke (side note: I later learned the anaconda choke from the...

Six step guide to the backdoor Roth IRA

Hey Reader, After almost 8 years of advising high-income clients, I've found that one of the most underutilized and mishandled financial planning strategies is the Backdoor Roth IRA. It's one of the few strategies for increasing tax-free wealth without paying more taxes today. Proper execution over a long period can create a tax-free nest egg that shaves years off your journey to financial independence. Unfortunately, most people don't know about it, or they jump into it without understanding...

Elements of determining an emergency fund

Hey Reader, One of the most common questions I answer is, "What should I do with the cash from my bonus, inheritance, etc.?" While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, this framework can be used in every instance. Sorry, we have to start with the least exciting one... Prepare for Taxes It's hard to spoil the joy of a cash influx, but failing to plan for the tax bill is the easiest way to do it. I've seen it happen numerous times. It's April of the following year, and you've already spent the...

Hey Reader, To paraphrase Mark Twain, "Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." It's been a long time since I've sent this newsletter. Too long. For that, I apologize. Some crazy curveballs have thrown me out of my rhythm. I had to put the newsletter on the backburner while I focused on client work and improving the business as a whole. I plan to have quality content in your inbox every Wednesday morning, starting with today. The markets are volatile You don't need me to tell you...

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Hey Reader, Everyone knows cash flow is the foundation of your financial plan. The problem is, most people have no idea what they spend and no one wants to fill out an Excel sheet with 50 spending categories. So, I created a solution. Today, I'm sharing the exact process I use to create client cash flow plans. I'm sorry if you already saw this on X, but I couldn't let email subscribers miss it. Step 1: Tax Returns and Pay Stubs Pay stubs and tax returns contain so much useful data that I...

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Hey Reader, If you're like most people, you immediately raise your guard when someone tells you they're a financial advisor. I mean, heck, so do I. In those situations, I'm sure you think, "Here we go. They're about to try to sell me something." It's unfortunate that something as important as money is associated with such a negative experience. I get it though. The industry hasn't done itself any favors, and a lot of the people who call themselves financial advisors are really glorified...